If you own a property that’s not connected to a municipal sewer system then your wastewater is most likely going into a septic tank buried under your lawn. Keep in mind what goes into a septic tank– people’s urine and feces, etc. “Clogged solids” can cause blockages in the pipes leading to the tank. Pipes… Read more »
What Happens If You Don’t Maintain Your Septic Tank?
If you have a septic tank on your property, that’s where your waste goes. Most people are connected to municipal sewer systems that literally take the waste away from a property and deal with it elsewhere, but for those in more rural areas, or far from “the road,” a septic system works just fine. Septic… Read more »
Why Does My Septic Tank Have Such a Foul Odor?
Do you have a septic tank on your property? If so, does it smell bad? Why might you have a foul odor coming from your septic system? Disruption to Septic Tank Process Normally, water flows through pipes in and out of a house in order to get to a septic tank buried underground on your… Read more »
What Regular Maintenance Will Do For Your Septic System
Where does your excretive waste go? If you’re not connected to a municipal sewer system, it probably goes into a septic tank on your property. Some people never maintain or pump out their septic system. Then when they go to sell the house/property, they’re saddled with a big bill to deal with a septic system… Read more »
The Benefits of Septic Tank Pumping and Cleaning Services
You know how we humans require periodic check-ups to keep in tip-top shape? Well, our septic systems are no different! For something that deals with the nitty-gritty of our daily lives, it’s crucial to treat it right. Proper maintenance keeps it healthy and, in turn, keeps our homes happy and mess-free. Let’s dive into the… Read more »
Keep These Things in Mind When Choosing a Septic Tank Company
Septic tanks are used to filter, trap and treat wastewater for over 20 million American households. In the Carolinas, especially in the more rural areas, many households have septic tanks buried underground next to their homes. When they flush the toilet or brush their teeth or take a shower, the wastewater runs through pipes into… Read more »
What Happens When a Septic Tank Gets Cleaned?
Where does all your wastewater go? When you flush the toilet or take a shower or even wash the dishes in the sink, that water either goes out of the house and into a public sewer system, or else it goes into a septic tank buried on your property. Septic tanks get cleaned, usually by… Read more »
Should You Buy a Home With a Septic System?
If you live in a city, your house is most likely connected to a public sewer line that transports wastewater away from your place. If you live in the country, however, there’s a good chance you’ve got a property that has a septic tank buried near the house, and that’s where your wastewater goes. If… Read more »
Is My Septic Tank Getting too Old?
If you have a septic tank on your property, it might be getting too old and you might want to replace it. Many homeowners just assume the septic tank will last forever, or at least until they move away or pass away, but the truth is that septic tanks, like most things, aren’t designed to… Read more »
Do You Need to Winterize Your Septic System?
In the Carolinas, the temperature can dip below freezing sometimes in the winter. Though most winter days are in the 40s, 50s or 60s, there can be some in the 30s or even 20s. If you live on a property in the Carolinas with a septic system buried underground, should you “winterize” it? What does… Read more »