If you own a property that’s not connected to a municipal sewer system then your wastewater is most likely going into a septic tank buried under your lawn. Keep in mind what goes into a septic tank– people’s urine and feces, etc. “Clogged solids” can cause blockages in the pipes leading to the tank. Pipes… Read more »
Category: Septic Tank Issues
What Happens If You Don’t Maintain Your Septic Tank?
If you have a septic tank on your property, that’s where your waste goes. Most people are connected to municipal sewer systems that literally take the waste away from a property and deal with it elsewhere, but for those in more rural areas, or far from “the road,” a septic system works just fine. Septic… Read more »
Why Does My Septic Tank Have Such a Foul Odor?
Do you have a septic tank on your property? If so, does it smell bad? Why might you have a foul odor coming from your septic system? Disruption to Septic Tank Process Normally, water flows through pipes in and out of a house in order to get to a septic tank buried underground on your… Read more »
What Regular Maintenance Will Do For Your Septic System
Where does your excretive waste go? If you’re not connected to a municipal sewer system, it probably goes into a septic tank on your property. Some people never maintain or pump out their septic system. Then when they go to sell the house/property, they’re saddled with a big bill to deal with a septic system… Read more »
Do You Need to Winterize Your Septic System?
In the Carolinas, the temperature can dip below freezing sometimes in the winter. Though most winter days are in the 40s, 50s or 60s, there can be some in the 30s or even 20s. If you live on a property in the Carolinas with a septic system buried underground, should you “winterize” it? What does… Read more »
What Should You Do With an Abandoned Septic Tank?
What if you move to a property where there is an abandoned septic tank? Should you worry? Can an Abandoned Septic Tank Cause Issues? Well, abandoned septic tanks have some issues. For instance, since they are below ground, and they collect human waste and water, things can happen over time. Waste and water can actually… Read more »
What Could Cause a Septic Tank to Collapse?
Do you have a septic tank on your North Carolina property? Could it ever collapse? Septic tanks can and do collapse and it’s usually without warning. All of the sudden, a tank just collapses. Why? Why Septic Tanks Collapse Well, septic tank systems actually include porous tanks and pipes. Excess wastewater gets distributed throughout a… Read more »
Have Your Septic System Checked Before Rainy Season
Spring can be rainy! Before the rainy season comes, make sure your septic tank is working properly. Carolina Septic Pro can check your septic tank; please call us at 980-500-1022. How do you know if your septic tank is having issues? Listen for a gurgling or bubbling sound from your toilet. Also, look for standing… Read more »
Don’t Let Your Septic Tank Stink Up Your Property
Is your septic system producing horrible odors? If so, you might have a big problem located deep inside of your septic system. Nevertheless, you might also have a relatively routine problem that can be fixed within a matter of just minutes. Either way, it’s important to investigate the source of an odor stemming from your… Read more »
Common Issues to Septic Tanks
If your home relies on a septic tank system, it’s important for you to maintain it properly and fix any problems that pop up. Your septic tank is a large tank that is designed to take human waste and break it down over time, so as you can imagine, issues with your septic tank can… Read more »